Friday, July 30, 2010

I hate when this happens

Layoffs suck!  I am counting my blessings that I was not one of "them" today but my heart breaks for the ones I saw had to leave today.  I get yelled at by a certain someone when I say "it isn't fair" . . . but in situations like this I don't feel that it is.  I never saw this coming, well nobody really did but hour after hour I find out out more people that got let go.  Not that anyone derserves this less than others but I was pretty shocked to find out certain people that are gone :(  Some of them really really great people & hard workers - I hate this economy. 

The one thing I have to look forward to is happy hour after work.  I really need a beer after today - maybe twelve.  I just IM'd Tiff and I said, "I can't wait to be a beer nugget with you soon."  She said, "beer nugget?"  I respond, "Yes, that's what we are when we drink together."  Don't ask where I come up with this crap - I swear we could write our own dictionary of words we've made up, and probably 90% of them would end in the word "nugget" I don't know why. . . it just makes any ordinary word hilarious to us.  So anyway then tiff responds, "beer nuggs" so I say "how bout beer niggs?"  And what response do I get from that?  "Fo shizzle my beer nizzle"....................... I smell a new annoying catch phrase for us.  And by annoying I mean annoying to others, not ourselves. 

These blogs are so much fun.  Know why?  Cuz when you blab on facebook about random stuff that you're thinking or feeling people always be like, "oh em gee, the people that post their personal things on here need to get a life and bla bla bla, yada yada yada"  It's like PUH-LEASE!  If you don't like it then why you looking at my page then, HUH?  I never said we have to be friends - you see that delete button?  Use it girlfriend.  I feel like I want to go up to those people and say, "okay if that isn't what facebook is for, then please enlighten me on what types of things you are 'supposed' to be posting about - last I checked there wasn't a rule book for that.  Thx."  Like I said, blogs are great to me because now I can bla bla bla all I want cuz if you're reading this you obviously love reading what I have ta say, si?  Si. :) 

Well, it's almost closing time - YEEE HAWWW!  Although again, today was a very sad day here at the office.  I'm definitely keeping those people in my prayers - nobody deserves this and I hope something great comes along for each one of them. 



  1. Well i am glad you are still here!!! This is now my fourth layoff i have gone through with this company. I'm having a drink for all those that got let go and one for myself for not being let go. You are right we should all count our blessing! and 12 does seem about right;) lol B careful dont drink and drive

  2. Anonymous's name is Chris H!

  3. I blog AND Facebook. I'm a real glutton for punishment, lol. Found you through a mutual friend, best of luck! I dig it and have subscribed.

    BTW, I've been blogging for years.. any tips or whatever you need to know, just ask.

  4. Hi - are you still using this blog? I have a client named Jenna Heller interested in it.
